Color Picker

CSS Color

Color Picker

About Color Picker Tool

Sometime we find the perfect color when browsing around the web but the disadvantage is it is very time consuming, So, color picker is perfect tool for that.Color picker tool make it easy to create adjust and experiment with custom colors for the site. It is also very easy to convert variety of color formats that are supported by CSS that include hex colors, RGB colors. You can also adjust the parameters of the colors that are defined, and it will displayed all three standard web CSS formats. “Eyedropper” style color picker can be toggled between HSL or HSV format. You can also take a look at the colors and the way they overlap each other by dragging them into the box. Modify their relative Z index value to move them forward and behind each other. This tool will helps in perfect CSS formats.

How does color format works?

This tool will displays Decimal and Hexadecimal value for the colors picked. You can choose any color from color picker box and place in other small boxes. After that pick the selected color and place them in activated area. Double click on any color and it will show the color code of the selected color. The Color Picker Tool is used to transfer a color from the active layer to either of the Primary or Secondary color slots. This tool works with any web browsers. A free color picker lets you get the color code.

Benefits of Color Picker Tool

Color picker tool is best tool to get color code of nay color for your website. This tool also saves your time as you don't need to browse around the web for many hours to get the best color combination. It also works with different density and different resolution.