Bulk GEO IP Locator

Enter up to 20 IPs (Each IP must be on separate line)


Your IP City Region Country Country Code ISP Latitude Longitude

Try New IP

Bulk GEO IP Locator

Bulk IP locator tool can geolocate multiple IP addresses in a single time. You can also download the geolocation result as a CSV file. The CSV file contains the following data like IP, Country, City, Region, ZIP, Timezone, ISP, Organization, ASN, Latitude and Longitude etc. Use this free IP tool to locate tools and get the right results instantly. This tool will run bulk locators on input IP addresses or domains. Start by simply inputting IP addresses/domains, or add text and this tool will easily extract your IPs/domains.

How to use Bulk Geo IP Locator

Using this tool is very easy. As its UI is quite simple. Simply follow the instructions given below

  • 1. Prepare a list of all IP’s. This tool allows you to add multiple links at a time.
  • 2. Copy all of them and paste in the blank space available on the website.
  • 3. Just click on the "Submit" button. The file will be created within seconds.

Bulk Geo IP Locator tool features:

Bulk GEO IP Locator allows you to look up details about the IP you provide. This will show the city, location, country, country code, ISP, latitude, and longitude on the globe. The tool can look up to multiple IP’s in a single time. Simply provide up multiple IP’s, where one IP will be written in one line.

Benefits of Bulk Geo IP Locator

  • For understanding the locations of consumers
  • For preparing futuristic marketing strategies
  • For maintaining a record

As a digital marketer, we must make sure that all marketing approaches are right. There are many ways to get an estimate, and the majority GEO IP lookup tool is one of them. Investing in a marketing campaign without its results is not more than stupidity.

While targeting the clients of a particular location, you have to know if they review the product. After executing your campaign, the visitors will signify the success of your marketing.


Geolocation IP offers e-commerce businesses the means to be smarter and targeted in their marketing efforts, which is going to improve the user experience and create more satisfied customers.


What is a Geo IP locator?

IP Geolocation is the technique of finding the approximate physical location of an internet connected device with the help of an IP Address.

Which type of information is provided by IP Geolocation?

Geolocation IP provides data such as city, state, country, continent, zip code, time zone and local currency etc.

How accurate is IP Geolocation?

Our database is 99% accurate at the country level and around 80% accurate at the city level. The accuracy for mobile networks is lower than that of wired networks.

Related SEO and Web Tool

My IP Address
Domain To IP Address Finder
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Bulk C Class IP Checker

