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Long Tail Keyword Suggestion

Keyword Suggestions

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# Keyword Keyword Length Word Count

Long Tail Keyword Suggestion

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re surfing something. This tool can be very helpful if you know how to use them.When using long tail keywords for SEO, you should include the keywords in the title and meta descriptions of your articles. Not to worry about Keyword Density Instead, take into consideration that Google keywords should only be used when it makes sense for people that read your text.

How To Use Long Tail Keywords Suggestion Features:

It is quite easy to use and find long term keyword tools with Megritools keyword suggestion tool. You just need to enter your text which you need to research.

Benefits of Long tail keywords suggestion

One can easily Upload text and documents or convert to mp3 to listen to anywhere anytime.

  • They Have Lower Competition.
  • They Have Better Conversion Rates.
  • They Increase Your Content Visibility.
  • They Can Help New or Low-Authority Pages Rank Quickly
  • They Will Help You Rank for a Short-Tail Keywords Tool.
  • They Optimize Your Blog Strategy.


Long-tail keywords are much easier to rank than short-tail keywords because of the relatively low competition. So if you're not focusing on them in your strategy, you're missing out on massive opportunities to drive quality traffic.


What is the long tail keyword?

A long tail keyword is a phrase that is generally made from three to five words. With long tail keywords, you are able to attract more high-quality traffic to your website which is more likely to lead to conversions

What are the Benefits of long-tail keywords?

Long tail keywords being a few words makes them much more specific. This means that both users and site owners generally receive better results. Brands receive traffic that is more closely aligned with their content, which will improve their ability to effectively bring new customers into the sales cycle.

What is the difference between Long tail keywords vs short tail?

Short tail keywords—also known as head terms, broad keywords, or focus keywords— are search queries that are made up of no more than three words, and refer to very broad topics. However, short tail keywords are simply not enough to stand out against the Amazons of the world, which monopolize the top-ranking SERP spots.

Long tail keywords are quite the opposite. They are made up of three or more words, are highly focused, and target specific audiences.

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